Experience Authenticity with Kalichain

Kalichain revolutionizes product certification using blockchain technology. We provide a safe and reliable environment for brands and consumers. Every product on our platform tells an authentic, verifiable story, safeguarded by our infallible blockchain technology.

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Our Key Projects

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At the core of our ecosystem, Kalicertif provides essential Digital Product Passports (DPP) for product and document certification. By leveraging NFTs and blockchain technology, Kalicertif ensures transparency and security, guaranteeing product authenticity and building trust for businesses and consumers.

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Our flagship project, Kalissa, showcases the real-world application of Kalichain technology by certifying high-quality products. It provides tangible proof of the benefits of blockchain for product certification.

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An innovative project focused on the tokenization of real estate, products, and businesses. Kalishare opens new avenues for democratic and accessible investment, ensuring transparency and security in transactions using blockchain technology.

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A global, borderless marketplace where users can buy and sell Kalicertif-certified products. Kalismarket provides a secure, transparent, and economical online shopping experience, reducing transaction fees and breaking down geographic barriers.


An integrated payment system facilitating cryptocurrency transactions within the Kalichain ecosystem. Kalipay simplifies transactions and allows easy conversion between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies, enhancing accessibility and convenience for users.


Web3 startup program   

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Explore Our Technology

Kalichain Explorer

Track and verify transactions on the Kalichain blockchain with our intuitive and powerful block explorer. It offers complete transparency, allowing users to view details of each transaction, including NFT transfers and interactions with smart contracts.

contract KalichainNFT is ERC721, Ownable {  
uint256 public nextTokenId;    
constructor() ERC721("KalichainNFT", "KCNFT") {}
   function mintNFT(address recipient) external onlyOwner {
     _safeMint(recipient, nextTokenId);
       nextTokenId++;    }

Kalichain explorer

Blockchain Audit by Cyberscope.io

To ensure the highest level of security and transparency, Kalichain's blockchain has been audited by Cyberscope. This comprehensive audit guarantees the integrity and robustness of our technology, providing peace of mind to our users and stakeholders.

Audit kalis cybersscope


Wallet Installs


Marketplace Volume


Created Assets


Partners Worldwide

Our Ambition: Bringing Millions Together

Embark on a journey of seamless product verification and secure transactions with Kalichain.

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They Talk About US

Discover what the media is saying about Kalichain and our revolution in product certification:

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Developed with Businesses in Mind

Experience a robust platform designed meticulously for enterprises aiming for authentic product certification and secure consumer interaction.


Latest Developments in Kalichain